“Quaid E Azam” or “Quaid E Azam as my hero of history” is an important topic for the essay at the matriculation and intermediate level. Even in competitive examinations, essay on Quaid E Azam is frequently asked.
Students learn this essay by different means, but they have been finding themselves in problems when they are to add quotes in their essay Quaid E Azam. As there are many quotes by Muhammad Ali Jinnah but we find hardly any quotation for Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Following are the best quotes for the essay Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. These are in poetic form. You can add these quotes according to the room of different paragraphs and can get full marks on your essay question.
Quid e Azam Essay Quotations in Pakistan For 10th Class
Here are the best quaid e azam essay quotations in English. You can use these quotes about essay Quaid e Azam in your test or paper with confidence.
In the cruel reign,
Calym Nush
Of Great Britain,
When all seem in vain,
There born a personality main,
Muhammad Ali, it was called,
In whose greatness,
Now the pen is being crawled.

Jinnah was such a man,
Whom everyone is a fan,
To others when its ban,
He said, “Yes I can.”
Calym Nush

Studied Jinnah from lincoln’s inn,
Came back to his kith and kin,
To the hostile, he proved a grin,
How can there be his twin?
Calym Nush

Being the history reader,
I found a leader,
Who with his vision,
Took the decision,
To demand a homeland,
For the Muslim’s band,
At last, he won it,
Where we stand and sit.
Calym Nush

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Though they were slim,
Muslims stood with him,
Such a leader Jinnah proved,
With whom they moved,
To break the chain,
With muscles and brain.
Calym Nush

Hundred years of slavery,
Were ended by his bravery,
Among heroes he is vital,
Quaid e azam was his title.
Calym Nush

Nation is point, whole is Jinnah,
In Muslims’ body soul is Jinnah,
Jinnah is the one who won us land,
Where we proudly sit and stand.
Calym Nush

Every nation has a leader,
Our Jinnah is above them all,
He is the one whom a reader,
Finds gigantic, discovers him tall.
Calym Nush