No society can exist without the existence of women. These are women who bear all the colors of the universe and make the dull and dry life feel heavenly.
Acknowledging the importance and empowerment of women, it is usually asked to write an essay on “Women’s place in society”, or “Women’s Empowerment.”
Following are the quotes to add to your essay if you are ever asked to write an essay on women, or women’s place in society, or women’s empowerment.
This poetic version of quotes will be a gem in the jewelry of your thoughts about women.
You can add these quotes to every topic where you are to admire women for being women. To make these quotes, more dominant in your essay use a different shade of ink which should be a good contrast with original text.
Quotations on Women’s Place in Society Essay in Pakistan For 12th Class
Here are the best quotations on women’s place in society essay in English. You can use these quotes about essay women’s place in society in your test or paper with confidence.
If you are to admire women,
Calym Nush
Admire them,
For being women.

Women possess dignity,
They have grace,In our society,
Calym Nush
They have place,
As, without them,
Society would be akin,
A necklace without a gem.

The greatness of the woman,
Calym Nush
Is staunch as she can,
Do all those things,
That even don’t kings.

On earth,
Calym Nush
If there’s worth,
Of something,
It’s the woman,
As they are,
The last heavenly gift.

In relation of mother,
Calym Nush
She is god another,
Being a sis,
She is bliss,
As the daughter,
She’s dad’s laughter,
When she is wife,
The woman is life.

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If there’s a coloured verse,
In the canvas of universe,
It is the woman,
As she can,
Bring a style,
With her smile,
In the dull picture,
Of the universe.
Calym Nush

There’s no surprise,
The other name of the woman,
Is paradise,
Calym Nush
As living in her person,
Is the best version,
Of life,
When she’s a wife.

A society without women,
Ohh dear, do you think it can?
Calym Nush

It is assertively stated,
The universe,
Might not have been created,
As, in the Holy verse,
She has the title,
Of being vital.
Calym Nush