In today’s modern world, man is facing numerous problems. All are painful but Unemployment is the mother of all of these.
On one hand, by the help of technology man has made his work easy. But on the other hand, these machines are being used as a substitute for man’s labor which is the big cause of unemployment.
Considering it a hot issue, paper setters usually ask the students to describe their thoughts on unemployment in form of an essay.
Essay on any topic looks dull without the proper quotes. If you are asked to write an essay on unemployment, the following are the best quotes to add in your essay.
These quotes not only condemn the issue of unemployment but also describe the causes of unemployment. Even the definition of unemployment can be written in poetic form which is included in these quotes.
These quotes are in poetic form, so take great care of punctuation marks and don’t try to include or exclude something by using your aptitude.
Quotations on Unemployment Essay in Pakistan For 12th Class
Here are the best quotations on unemployment essay in English. You can use these quotes about essay unemployment in your test or paper with confidence.
Capitalism’s way,
Calym Nush
To slay,
The common masses,
In different pauses,
Is unemployment.

To deprive the people,
Calym Nush
From the basic need,
Of feed,
The capitalists,
In their lists,
Show unemployment.

The spread of machine,
Calym Nush
Has disturbed the routine,
Of man’s labour,
As neighbour to neighbour,
Are in thoughts’ ride,
They are unemployed.

Also, Check: Quotations For Essay Pollution
Besides the fun,
Calym Nush
What Tech has done,
This man’s work,
Has snatched his work,
Now to the man,
Putting in pan,
It has fried,
Thus they seem,
Just unemployed.

The list,
Of capitalists,
Can hold a fist,
But by their wrist,
They have all occupied,
Thus we are unemployed.
Calym Nush

The other way,
Calym Nush
To slay,
The humans,
And make them die,
Sigh by sigh,
They don’t need to be destroyed,
Just make them unemployed.

There was no unemployment,
Enough was corn,
Until capitalism was born.
Calym Nush

Being just and fair,
Above the love affair,
Was more cried,
Being unemployed.
Calym Nush