Quotations For Essay My Last Day At College

“My last day at college” is less about words and more about emotions kind of topic to write an essay on.

Sometimes at graduation and usually at the Intermediate level, it is a frequently asked essay.

If you are to deal with this topic, the following are the best quotes to adorn your essay on my last day at college with witty, poetic lines.

These quotes for the essay, “My last day at college” will give you the chance to impress the checker and get full marks.

To add these quotations, take great care of punctuation marks and write word for word. Choosing a different of the blue ink will make the quotes more dominant.

12th Class Quotations For My Last Day At College in Pakistan

Here are the best my last day at college essay quotations in English. You can use these quotes about my last day at college essay in your test or paper with confidence.

I frankly acknowledge,
Inside the walls of college,
Got the piles of knowledge,
What remains after,
The gossip with friends,
The last laughter.

Calym Nush
my last day at college essay quotations

The day had come,
When from the chum,
To unveil the sum,
I had to mum,
Was compelled to tell,
It was last day,
It was farewell.

Calym Nush
my last day at college essay quotation

It’s hard to say,
On the last day,
To the friend,
It’s the end,
The term of college,
Where we got knowledge,
Has been ended,
Can’t be extended.

Calym Nush
quotations about essay my last day at college

The life with friends,

Though never ends,

But that in college,

One has to acknowledge,

Can’t be again,

We can’t remain same.

Calym Nush
quotation about essay my last day at college

In my heart,
I can start,
To remember,
The December,
When inside the college walls,
Were the louds calls,
In the way has ended,
That can’t be mended.

Calym Nush
my last day at college essay for 2nd year quotations

In the college, where I met,

Those friends, I couldn’t get,

Whenever in couch I recollect,

Face becomes dull, eyes get wet.

Calym Nush
my last day at college essay for 2nd year quotation

In the journey of knowledge,
Were enrolled in college,
How days were passed,
How nights were cashed,
All ended in a wink,
Now only can think,
About those jolly days,
Which had sun rays.

Calym Nush
college last day quotes in english

Were afraid in start,
Then learnt the art,
In the classroom,
How to bloom,
Even in gloom,

But alas!

Couldn’t surpass,
The cruel departure,
Oh My Archer!
Term has ended,
Can’t be extended.

Calym Nush
college last day quote in english

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