“My Hobby” is a blissfully asked essay at different levels of different examinations but at the Intermediate level, preparing an essay on the topic “My Hobby” is considered mandatory.
Hobbies are different. The same is the case with man’s taste. Everybody fancies different hobbies and selects to write about different ones, too.
Whatever hobby you select, it doesn’t matter. The following quotes for the essay, “My Hobby,” will enrich your essay to the next level. These quotations can be adjusted with convenience in the different paragraphs of the essay.
These are general and are in poetic form. You can learn these quotes easily and because of their poetic version, these will be in your consciousness box for a long time.
If possible, use a different shade of blue ink to make these quotes dominant in your essay.
12th Class Quotations For My Hobby Essay in Pakistan
Here are the best my hobby essay quotations in English. You can use these quotes about my hobby essay in your test or paper with confidence.
A hobby is something,
Calym Nush
With which you can sing,
A sweet song,
Even then, it doesn’t go wrong.

In the day’s toil,
Calym Nush
When you are boil,
Returning home,
Can keep away the syndrome,
If you don’t be snobby,
And work on thy hobby.

A hobby can give thee,
Solace, without fee,
If it becomes thy occupation,
Live thy life without tension.
Calym Nush

The man was dull and dried,
Calym Nush
After he cooked and fried,
Not knowing what next to do,
He thought to himself pursue,
It was a hobby that he adopted,
It’s still working as it then did.

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A hobby gives thee an opportunity,
To work on thy fertility,
By saving thee from stress,
It keeps you fit and fresh.
Calym Nush

In childhood, it was a toy,
That brought you joy,
It’s hobby in the adulthood,
That can, that really would,
Give you the pleasure,
That you can’t measure.
Calym Nush

It’s the fact,
A hobby can distract,
The day’s stress,
If you confess.
Calym Nush

If one thrives,
To enrich thy lives,
A hobby can do it,
By making them fit,
And gives the pleasure,
As it works in leisure.
Calym Nush